Monday, 23 December 2013

Steven Olschwanger Know your Body’s pH

pH denotes power of Hydrogen, which is a measurement of Hydrogen ion concentration in the body. pH scale ranges from 1 to 14 and pH less than 7 is said to be acidic and greater than 7 are said to be basic. It is important to know your pH level of your body. Steven Olschwanger discovered a very simple way to discover the pH content in the body. You can test pH level by putting pieces of pH paper in your saliva or in your secretions.

It is important to know your body’s pH level but you should also know how to control your pH level says Steven.

If your body becomes too acidic, then there is more chance for getting fat, being tired, sluggish, fatigued, stressed and body aches and pains.

Your body becomes acidic due to the following reasons.

·        Having a diet that lacks fruits and vegetables.
·        A diet which is high in fats, starches and processed foods.
·        Work stress
·        Lack of exercise

Now you can avoid all those ways by following the simple things Steven has listed below.

1.     Include at least 5 fruits and vegetables in your diet.
2.     Drink plenty of fresh and pure water.
3.     Try to eat organic foods.
4.     Exercise at least 3 times a week and 30 minutes a day. Doing over exercise is also not good for health.
5.     Avoid soft drinks. Instead have coconut water, butter milk etc.
6.     Avoid stressful situations whenever possible.
7.     Feel happy for everything you have.
8.     Avoid all white flour products and white sugar products.
9.     Avoid dairy products except for eggs.
10.                        Do look for whole grain or whole wheat as first ingredient whenever you buy any food products.
11.                         Do not skip meals. Eat thrice a day.

If you follow the above steps, you can easily make the body basic and live a happy and peaceful life. Change the causes and the effect will change too.

You are the director of your play and work in your life so create good mind and body health. Tips of Steven Olschwanger will help you in your life journey. Best wishes!!

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